Sea Witch Antiques News: 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Looking for a Antique Shop?

Then let me suggest Sea Witch Antiques, a antique shop where you may find a variety of items you are looking for. When you find that particular item you have the option of purchasing on line or you may email (click here) or call 910-539-4949 and ask whatever questions you need answered.

Their main Categories are:

  • Glass & Crystal which consist of names like: Anchor Hocking, Duncan Miller, Fenton, Fotoria, Heisey, Imperial, Jeannette, Lancaster, MacBeth-Evans, Mikasa, Mosser, Northwood, Pilgrim, Smith, U. S. Glass, and Wright.
  • Ceramics & Porcelain which consist of names like: Henry Alcock, Arthur Wood, Bavaria, Belleek, Burgess & Lee, Capodimonte, Caarlsbad Austria, Czechoslovakia, Edwin M. Knowles, Empire Porcalin Co., England, Germany, Haviand, Homer Laughlin, Nippon, Ridgeway, Rookwood, Sadler, Sango China, and Spode and many others.
  • Pottery which consist of names like: Blue Mountain, Bogan Pottery, Czechoslovakia, Kaier, Rookwood, and U.S.A. Pottery.

While in the Glass & Crystal you will find Depression Glass, which consist of Pink Depression Glass, Green Depression Glass and Clear Depression Glass, Carnival Glass, Crystal and Elegant Glass. Need an example? Then look at this piece made by Lancaster Glass Co. Jubilee Yellow 3-Toed Footed Bowl, or this American Fostoria Sugar Barrel/Candy Dish, or this unknown manufactured Green Depression Pitcher.

When you continue on to the Ceramics & Porcelain, you will find many pieces of Flow Blue China made by many different makers, examples are Arabesque by T.J.&J. Mayer, or Gefle Vinranka Percy Salad Plate. Then you could move on to Toby Mugs and find pieces like Royal Doulton Toby XX, or Royal Doulton Dickens Oliver Twist Pitcher, among many others.

The point I am trying to make is at Sea Witch Antiques There are many different Antique pieces for you to choose from, and all reasonably prices and the thing you can depend on is that Sea Witch Antiques stands behind their products. They have their reputation to uphold and you will find they will spend a great deal of effort to make your visits a preasure.

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