Sea Witch Antiques News: 2007
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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Top Searches On Sea Witch Antiques

Sneads Ferry - North Carolina - September 4, 2007 — ( one of the Webs top ranked online antique and collectible dealers released their monthly "Top Searches" of Antiques & Collectibles. The top ten search list is based on tens of thousands of searches by people using the online search engines in the month of August 2007.

Keep in mind that these searches are what people were looking for, not necessarily what they were buying. In many cases, people search for items trying to determine the value of a specific item that they have in their possession.

Here are the top ten search words/phrases used at This site specializes in offering top quality, name brand antiques and collectibles:

  1. Depression glass
  2. Pink depression glass
  3. Antiques
  4. Green depression glass
  5. Fenton glass
  6. Heisey glass
  7. Toby mugs
  8. Raku pottery
  9. Pottery
  10. Usa pottery

Sea Witch Antiques has served over 3 million requests since March 1, 2005. The company has been building a solid reputation as a top quality, customer friendly merchant who sells the finest in antiques and collectibles since 2005.

For more information contact:
Dean Hudson
Sea Witch Antiques

Friday, August 24, 2007

New Antiques, Collectibles and Auction News Site

If you are one of the few who haven't yet visited the new Antiques, Collectibles and Auction News Site, then you must. Focused on the latest news, events and important resources related to antiques, collectables and auctions, this is an absolutely must read for the real collector!

Yahoo! News Search Results for antiques

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