Sea Witch Antiques News: 09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008
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Friday, September 12, 2008

Sea Witch Antiques Is Searching For Top Quality Consigners In New Jacksonville, NC Location

Sea Witch Antiques Is Searching For Top Quality Consigners In New Jacksonville, NC Location

Sea Witch Antiques ( is opening its new retail storefront in Jacksonville, North Carolina beginning October 1st, 2008. As those who already are familiar with Sea Witch Antiques, this will be an extraordinary example of quality antiques and collectibles including glassware, china porcelain, furniture and much more.

At this time, Sea Witch Antiques is looking for the best consigners of antiques, collectibles and quality vintage merchandise for this grand opening sure to make a major impact on the industry in the Jacksonville, NC region. If you are looking to place your fine quality merchandise in retail location you will proudly be a part of, then this is your opportunity to come on board!

For more information:
Sea Witch Antiques

Mail: 172 Sherrill Loop Road, Sneads Ferry, NC 28460
Phone: (910) 539-4949

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